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The Inbox is effectively a ‘To Do’ list. It may contain just Approvals or also Tasks, if Internal Fulfillment is enabled. A user with Supervisor profile, or a user with Supervisor Privileges access right assigned, sees all requests.

This article covers the following topics:

Approvals List

The Approvals List is available as a panel view. The list of requests requiring approval is in a left-hand panel with the currently selected request being displayed on the right. The list auto-loads more requests when scrolled down.

Requests can be filtered by Status (a dynamically created list of actual requests either ‘on hold’ or ‘pending’) and by Request Type. The ‘quick search’ option is a wildcard search on Request Number, Request Label, System Reference, Requested By (name), Requested For (name), Approver (user name, group name or adapter name) and Role Name. By default, the list will display the oldest approvals first, but this can be swapped to displaying the newest.

A Supervisor or a user with the appropriate access rights can select an alternative approver for any current or future approval stage in a request that has already been submitted for approval. This might be used if an Approver is off sick.

Sensitive requests are only viewable by the specific user named in the approval route for the active approval stage. No other admin user can view the request.

The ability to resend the email to the existing approver is available and if ‘out of office’ dates have been specified and are relevant today, they will be displayed as mouse-over text. From the Home Page select Approvals; find the relevant request; select the Approval List Edit in the final column. The appropriate approval stage can then be edited.

A System Task allows requests that have been in approval for more than 180 days to be automatically declined, i.e., calculated using the approval stage start date. An approval-declined email will be sent to the Requester. Any request On Hold will be ignored. This feature can be enabled via Settings > System Task screen.


The Tasks tab will display if the request Internal Fulfillment feature is enabled. Once an Inbox activity is triggered, an Inbox Task is created and the assignee individual or group is emailed. All current tasks are also listed in the Tasks list. The list can be filtered by Request Type and assigned group. The ‘quick search’ option is a wildcard search on Request Number, Request Label, System Reference, Requested By (name), Requested For (name), Assigned (user or group name) and Action Name.

A user sees any Tasks that have been allocated to them individually or as a member of the assigned group. A group member can process the task immediately or assign it to themselves for later processing. A task can be completed, held, or canceled (cancellation effectively completes the task so that the workflow process can move on). A user with the appropriate access rights can assign the task to another group or user if re-allocation is required. The task assignee can access the request and field permissions will be determined by the task’s role.

Any pre-submission integration hooks configured with the request are not run again if the request is edited by an Inbox assignee

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