The Request List displays all available requests for the current user and can be viewed in two ways: Panel and List.
In Panel view, requests are not grouped by request type but listed individually down the left panel with the currently selected request being shown in the right panel. The list of requests auto load on scroll down.
The ‘quick search’ option is a wildcard search on Request Number, Request Label and System Reference. The list can additionally be filtered by Age (within a day/week/month), Request Type or Status (a dynamically created list of the milestones by sub-status that the user has access to). More powerful users can choose to display either their own requests or all requests. The latest search criteria are retained across sessions and used when displaying the Request List on the next visit.
In List view, the columns displayed within each expandable Request Type group can be configured via the Request Type maintenance screens. A System Configuration Setting, ‘Maximum number of records to show in list view’, defaults the length of the grid. This can be overridden at User level via About Me.
A user will always see their own requests, either those they have raised or those that have been raised for them. Additionally, if the user has the View All Requests access right enabled, they will be able to see requests for all cost centers within their own division1. Cross division viewing can be enabled by associating a user with additional divisions via their user record in User Maintenance. A user with Supervisor profile, or a user with Supervisor Privileges access right assigned, sees all requests.
If using Internal Fulfillment, the running / completed process can be visible in a page on the Request Summary, depending on access rights. Additional access right controls what actions are available. Notification of task or activity failure is emailed to the support desk and a correlated Workflow Log can be viewed in the Support menu. Any user with access to the Request Summary tab can retry a failed task.
The status of individual activities in the workflow are visible via a pending, completed or failed icon. A running or failed activity can be aborted by a user with the appropriate access right.
If using Service Level Agreement functionality, a traffic light status (green if ‘ok’, amber if at ‘warn’ status and red if ‘failed’) is available both in the Request List, as a configurable column, and on the Request Summary information panel. Display of this information is controlled by an access right.
The request definition will be relevant to when the request was created (except for ‘legacy’ forms where the new definition is shown with any old data appended), which may cause issues for updated external list box/tree view fields.
An existing request can be copied, which will create a new draft request. The request type definition must be consistent between original request and now.
Theme properties can be used to emphasize success, warnings, or failure in the Request Summary milestones differently to the shipped colors.
1 View All Requests access right excludes any request designated sensitive. Sensitive requests are only viewable by Requested By or Requested For users by default. Additionally, any user named in the approval route can perform a Request List advanced search, and by selecting themselves in the Approved By or Currently Being Approved By fields, to view the request. No other admin user can view the request.
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