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Help Link

Help Text is written by the customer so that help text is appropriate to the organization’s
configuration can be provided to the end-user.

To customize the Help Text, select the Administration tab, then System Settings, System Settings,
Display, Help Text link.

This article covers the following topics:

Single Language Setup

If your system requires only single language help text:

  1. Save the HTML file containing the help text under the Virtual Root of the system.
  2. Modify the Front Office system setting Help Text Link so that the value contains the path to the
    help text file.

Multi-Language Setup

Front Office supports the following cultures:

  • en-GB
  • hu-HU
  • pt-BR
  • en-US
  • it-IT
  • pt-PT
  • da-DK
  • ja-JP
  • ru-RU
  • de-DE
  • ko
  • sv-SE
  • es-ES
  • ms_MY
  • zh-Hans
  • fi-FI
  • nl-NL
  • Zh-Hant
  • fr-FR
  • nb-NO

Note 1: If your system requires help text for multiple languages the following conventions must be
Under the Virtual Root of the system create a help text folder and a sub folder for each culture Front
Office supports.

Note 2: the sub folder must be named as an exact match to the culture it supports, e.g., if there is an Italian help text file, this must reside in a folder called ‘it-IT’. 

Modify the Front Office system setting Help Text Link so that the value contains the path to the help
text file. Substitute the culture code with: <User-Culture> 


If the Front Office system supports English (UK), Italian and German, the following folder structure
should be used:


  • en-GB
  • it-IT
  • de-DE

Help Text Link system setting: HelpText/<User-Culture>/helptext.hml
System Configuration Setting: Help Text Link

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