Help Text is written by the customer so that help text is appropriate to the organization’s
configuration can be provided to the end-user.
To customize the Help Text, select the Administration tab, then System Settings, System Settings,
Display, Help Text link.
This article covers the following topics:
Single Language Setup
If your system requires only single language help text:
- Save the HTML file containing the help text under the Virtual Root of the system.
- Modify the Front Office system setting Help Text Link so that the value contains the path to the
help text file.
Multi-Language Setup
Front Office supports the following cultures:
- en-GB
- hu-HU
- pt-BR
- en-US
- it-IT
- pt-PT
- da-DK
- ja-JP
- ru-RU
- de-DE
- ko
- sv-SE
- es-ES
- ms_MY
- zh-Hans
- fi-FI
- nl-NL
- Zh-Hant
- fr-FR
- nb-NO
Note 1: If your system requires help text for multiple languages the following conventions must be
Under the Virtual Root of the system create a help text folder and a sub folder for each culture Front
Office supports.
Note 2: the sub folder must be named as an exact match to the culture it supports, e.g., if there is an Italian help text file, this must reside in a folder called ‘it-IT’.
Modify the Front Office system setting Help Text Link so that the value contains the path to the help
text file. Substitute the culture code with: <User-Culture>
If the Front Office system supports English (UK), Italian and German, the following folder structure
should be used:
- en-GB
- it-IT
- de-DE
Help Text Link system setting: HelpText/<User-Culture>/helptext.hml
System Configuration Setting: Help Text Link
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