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Currency & Language

Within this subcategory, all the currencies and exchange rates required in a multi-currency system and any additional languages needed across the user base, can be configured. This allows users with different language or currency bases to use the same system.

This article covers the following topics:

Currency & Exchange Rate

A full list of ISO 4217 currencies is available via Settings >Currency & Language > Currency. Any number of currencies can be activated for use within Front Office. An active currency must have a current exchange rate. Selected display attributes of the currency can be amended. Activating a currency allows alternative user set-up and also allows users to select an alternative display currency via My Account, if enabled.

Exchange rates are required purely for internal display calculations, where the user’s chosen currency differs from the system base currency or the supplier’s catalog currency. All catalog and request information is stored in the database in the supplier’s currency.


The system is available in 18 languages:


The system can run in single or multiple language mode. If multiple languages are enabled (via Settings > Currency & Language > Language) a language selection option in About Me can be enabled, via a system setting, to allow a user to switch between languages.

The core framework of the system is available in each of those languages and most customer-maintained data can also be translated. In the administration areas, the fields that can be translated display page & pencel icon adjacent. The default field value must always be entered in the default system language; if no customer-maintained alternative language value is present, the field will display the Default System Language. Catalog and user-entered data is only available in a single language.

Note: system base language is set during install and should only be changed whilst the system is still empty, especially for a multi-language site. Later change of default language risks unpredictable results and should not be attempted. If in doubt, please contact the support team via the Community at https://frontofficehelp.biomni.com/hc/en-us/requests/new for further information.

System Configuration Settings

  • Enable Multi Currency in catalogues / requests
  • Default System Language
  • Enable Users to select preferred Language

Related Topics: Configuration Check (for base currency & language)

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