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XSLT Library

The XSLT Library provides XSLT templates to be used to create snippets of HTML for Rich Text email templates. A sample of the XML passed to the XSLT is available, as is the ability to run the XSLT snippet against any request in the system to demonstrate the output.

Email Template

The sending of both Rich Text and XSLT individual email templates can be controlled by deactivation, if required.

Rich Text Email Template

Default templates are provided for the following emails:

  • Inbox Task Notification
  • Email Activity
  • SLA Failure
  • SLA Notification

These email templates are managed using a Rich Text editor with replacement parameter support. When the email is sent the template is parsed and the parameters replaced with the appropriate content. To add Replacement parameters, the “Insert template” option on the rich text editor gives access to a popup that can add two types of parameters:


Properties provide access to simple elements of the Request or other properties relevant to the specific template. Simply choose the required property and click Insert.
XSLT Templates
XSLT templates provide a way to add complex data to the template. The picker lists all the XLST templates available in the XSLT Library. These XSLTs are then executed, and the resulting HTML is inserted into the template when it runs.

XSLT Email Templates

The system generates several types of emails during the request and approval process to advise users of request statuses and advise approvers that action is required on a request as part of the approval workflow. The email can be configured using XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation) so that the text on the emails is relevant to the customer’s requests and processes. This is applied on a system-wide basis, so all changes apply to all emails of that type that are generated.

The following system emails use XSLT:

  • Request: Approval Required
  • Request Approved (Requested By or Requested For user)
  • Request: Approval no longer required
  • Request: Approval on hold
  • Request: Approval Escalation
  • Request: Overdue Approval
  • Request Notification
  • Request Cancellation
  • Request Declined
  • Request created for you
  • Request Summary
  • New Supplier Request
  • New Password details

Many email types include a summary of the request in the body of the email; the format of this summary can be configured by editing the Common Request Information email type.

Select the Email Type you would like to edit. You can edit the email subject line and include one or more replacement parameters; you can restore the system default email, or you can associate one of your own XSLT files or download the existing template to edit and upload to make changes. To view the email layout, you can preview in the browser or email an example to a specified email address.

To create a replacement parameter in the subject line, the format is:

{{XPath expression}}

E.g., to display the Requested For user’s name:


To include a locally maintained request header field in the subject line or the body, with a Field Code of


If required, an email can be suppressed by deactivating the template.

Custom Form

Custom Form functionality is provided to enable request data to be presented in a printable format, perhaps in the style of a business document. The request data has a specific XSLT applied, which enables the layout and data contained on the output to be controlled. The sample XML output and default XSLT can be generated within the Custom Form configuration screen. Your own XSLT can also be linked to the custom form within this screen.

System Configuration Settings: Custom Request Form

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