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This article covers the following topics:

Scheduled Task

Within the Task option, a variety of scheduled system tasks can be activated, and the frequency rules set. Custom tasks may also be created. Tasks can also be forced to run immediately as an ad hoc action. Note that where an actual run time is specified, this may appear inconsistent with the reported Due date/time and the Last Run date/time Available tasks are:

Anonymize User Data: Delete old Audit Trail records (system setting)
App Store Usage Rollup Task: Delete old Email log records (3 days old)
Auto Decline Approval (6 months old): Delete old Error log records (6 months old)
Calculate Bundle Validity: Delete old Task Queue history records
Check for Request Status Updates: Export Approval counts to Connecta
Check for Requests to be sent: Import Active Directory
Delete expired Request Locks: Import Catalog
Delete Expired Sessions: Import Base Data
Delete old Adapter log records (30 days old): Send email

Custom Tasks

A custom Recurring Tasks can be created and scheduled as per standard tasks, executed by either calling an adapter or running a PowerShell script.

System Configuration Settings:

  • Audit Trail retention period (days)
  • Default System Time Zone
  • Email Address of Support Team
  • Enable full Auditing for Base Data Import

Related Topics: Data Import

Custom Task Plugins

This screen provides support for creating custom task plugins that allow developers to integrate more closely with the Front Office task engine. Custom plugins can be viewed, both at summary and detail level, on the Configuration Check page.

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