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Access Profile

An Access Profile determines which functional areas a user can access. Customized profiles can be created by grouping any number from a list of more than 30 Access Rights; each user on the system is then assigned the appropriate access profile to control what they can access and the actions they can perform on the system. Any number of Access Profiles can be created to provide a full range of access options and customer-created access profiles can be edited or deleted.

The system provides two shipped access profiles: ‘Supervisor’, which has all access rights assigned, giving full access to all the system and ‘Default Access Profile’, which gives basic access for a standard user. The default user access profile is editable.

To create a new access profile, select Access Profile > Add, within the Organization category. Allocate an ID then create the Access Profile Name and Description. Access rights can be linked in the adjacent tab by clicking on the Access Right Name (hyperlink) and the access right will move to the Linked section. Moving the mouse over the Access Right Name gives a fuller explanation of the access right.

A list of all Access Rights and their Descriptions can be found in the Support > Documents folder: System Settings List.

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