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Suppliers Approved List

An Approved List is a method of filtering access to the supplier catalog so that restricted or nonrelevant suppliers/items are hidden from view from certain users. This is achieved by linking a user group to a restricted ‘view’ of the full catalog; access to the Service Catalog is unaffected as that can be filtered independently via user groups.

Approved Lists can be accessed via Supplier, Catalog & Bundle category > More... link. The Name and associated User Group is set within the first tab. Any User Groups assigned that have ‘Can see full catalog’ enabled will effectively override any Approved List filtering. A user may be linked to multiple Approved Lists.

The second tab allows full supplier catalogs to be linked. This means that any future catalog changes are automatically included in the Approved List. The third tab allows specific items to be associated and if selected via the supplier search or category filters, this will be a snapshot of items in the catalog at the point of addition. The Approved List will need to be manually edited to apply any future catalog changes.

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