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Using Windows® PowerShell scripts in Fulfillment Workflow

The Front Office Fulfillment Workflow supports the use of PowerShell scripts as an activity. This document describes how to use PowerShell to interact with the Front Office API. A sample PowerShell script will be used throughout to demonstrate the various touch points between PowerShell and Front Office.

It is assumed that the server running Front Office has PowerShell already installed; this comes as
standard with Windows 2008 and above systems

This article covers the following topics:

Creating a PowerShell Activity

A PowerShell activity is available in the Fulfilment section when editing a Request Type.


Like any other activity, the user drags and adds it to the workflow. In this example, only one activity will
be used.

As soon as the PowerShell activity is dragged on to the workflow, the activity description page opens.


Unlike the Web Service activity, which contains a reference to an externally hosted instance, in a
PowerShell activity the script itself is stored within the activity description.

Activity Details

  • Activity Label: a textual description of the activity.
  • PowerShell Script: the PowerShell that will run when the activity is executed.
  • Property: provides access to various request and environment variables. They act as
    replacement parameters, i.e., they are replaced by the corresponding request values at run
  • User Name & Password: the User ID and password for the user under whose account the
    PowerShell script will be executed.
  • Wait for response: checkbox to indicate the activity will wait for a complete signal from an
    external system. By default, the activity completes as soon as the PowerShell script finishes.
  • Cost: an indication of the activity's monetary value.
  • Duration: an indication of how long it takes to complete the activity.


The PowerShell script will be executed on the application server that is hosting the Front Office
instance. It is therefore important to run the script under an account that has the right to run scripts
and exclude from the account’s access rights the areas of the system typically managed by IT; for
example, formatting a disk or accessing IIS. It is the responsibility of the system designers to create an
account with the appropriate rights.

Using the PowerShell Activity

In this example, PowerShell is used to set the request status. This demonstrates how to use the Front
Office API and replacement parameters.


Typically, the script will be developed and tested outside Front Office and once verified, will be copy/pasted into the activity. Replacement parameters work only inside Front Office, so it is recommended that variables are created and assigned to the replacement variables. Then when developing the script the replacement parameters can be replaced by hard-coded values for testing purposes.

This is the script that is used in the above example: -

#Get the URL for the Front Office API
$foapi = '##System.DapiUrl##'
# Create a proxy for the Front Office API web service
$api = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri $foapi
#Get the unique request reference
$refid = ##Request.SystemReference##

#Retrieve the value of a formfield with code = OFFICE
$office = $api.GetRequestHeaderFieldValue($refid,'OFFICE')
#Retrieve the value of an integration setting in the section Buildings,
called floor
$floor = $api.GetIntegrationSettingValue('Buildings','Floor')
$status= $office+'_'+$Floor
#Set the request status
$reqstatus = $api.SetRequestStatusDescription($refid,$status)

A typical example of this approach is the unique request reference which is used in almost every API
call that is related to the active request.

Assign the unique system reference to an internal variable: -

$refid = ##Request.SystemReference## 

In the test environment a hard-coded value is used for testing: -

$refid = '289034'

This means that when the script is pasted into the activity, only the hard-coded value needs to be
replaced, as the internal value is used everywhere else in the script.

Calling the Front Office API

The Front Office (Directa) API is a web service. Calling a web service from within a PowerShell script is
straight forward:

  1. Create a proxy for the web service
    $api = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri $foapi
  2. Call any method
    $office = $api.GetRequestHeaderFieldValue($refid,'OFFICE')

Depending on the PowerShell IDE in use, Intellisense can make it easier to retrieve the methods

The Front Office SDK can be found in <install location>\SDK


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